Discourse on how and why we play.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Beta 1: Handout update

Below is the handout I will be distributing for the Thursday Feb 5th beta presentation of Playspace.

Playspace Update.

Finalized aesthetic.
A palette of red to yellow the colors that, according to my polls and research, are most likely to evoke the type of play we are searching for (creative and exciting)
Additionally after testing the iconography and taking the results of the polls into account I've have commissioned a series of icon based graphic pieces, also in the preferred colors,Of which the first 2 can be seen here, more will come after the beta and after further poll analysis.

Familiarity vs Instruction
While struggling to understand why it was difficult for participants to play under the circumstances I had laid out for them and after reading the polls and personal opinions,I began to toy with concepts of instructions. This goes against the entire goal of the project and so I have decided to go with familiarity in lieu of rules. As opposed to being told explicitly what to do, the audience is now confronted with a series of objects and settings that they are familiar with and are thus more predisposed to understand how to interact with them. This familiarity makes the project more user friendly without compromising the integrity with instructions.

Finalised Equation
CF = CM + SP +PE + DI

Where CF= Total Creative Force
CM = Cultural Merit (where the audience values what they are doing)
SP= Space Positivity (lack of judgement etc...)
PE = Psychological Effect(psychological stimulants)
DI = Direction (When faced with an over whelming amount of options people don't react well so they must be directed)

With the addition of DI my goal of 4 play conditions is fulfilled and I feel like I can get on with finishing the final project out of the research stage. Direction is the missing link the takes the work from a theoretical frame work to a viable experience.

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