Discourse on how and why we play.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Experiment 4 Collective Canvas

11-09-08 Residence of Katie Goulay

After the trouble with previous events being to structured on the advice of a friend Playspace's 4th experiment was greatly simplified all that was requested was presence and some art supplies. Prior to the guests arriving there was a simple blue gradient painted on the canvas, this was done with the hopes of some cohesive direction for the piece. The blue gradient was ideal because it connoted either a sea scape or a sky scape both allowing for many possible directions for the smaller paintings to take. What is important to note about this exercise is very unstructured and is much closer in nature to how I imagine the final iteration of Playspace will function .

Initially I feared that the lack of direction would lead to a fear to participate and at the begining a few cries of " I don't know what to paint" could be heard although they were in the minority. After a few reassuring responces the painting was off to a roaoring start further proof that in order to truely gain project momentum you must first break the creative inertial wall. In mathematical terms,

CF > FI = AM (Desired Outcome) CF < fi =" CS (Undesirable Outcome Project Failure)
CF =
Creative Force FI = Fearful Inertia AM = Artistic Momentum CS = Creative Stagnation

Truly the greatest challenge of Playspace is going to be finding a way to easily and reliably break the inertial wall of gallery goers and get them to engage in meaningful play by building Artistic Momentum. However common denominators I have observed so far indicate that there are certain ways to attain a desirable Artistic Momentum, a Positive Space is nessisary as well as a feeling of worthy input which we will call Cultural Merit.

CF= CM + SP + ?? + ??
( Incomplete equation for building the Creative Force of Playspace)
CM =
Cultural Merit SP= Space Positivity

In reality all that needs to be done is to complete the varialbes in the Creative Force eqaution to create the highest level of stable Creative Force. That is one of the keys to making Playspace a success.
The canvas near completion

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